
Showing posts from 2020

Chomsky Promoting Bumper Sticker History

 Noam Chomsky has been a very important figure in my political development. As a teenager just being acquainted with Anarchism he supplied an influential public voice that identified with the Anarchist tradition. Today Chomsky is important to me for what one might call negative reasons. As I have acquainted myself more with Anarchism and the reality of the modern world I have found Chomsky's voice increasingly influential in the wrong directions. Chomsky, for me, has ceased to be a voice for a radical alternative to the status quo and more and more become a voice for the status quo's preservation, it's loyal opposition. His rhetoric around the 2016 and 2020 election cycles have fallowed this trend.  In both cycles Chomsky has insisted that what matters is not the social structures that organize our lives and livelihoods, but instead who sits on the white house toilet seat. Chomsky can't be entirely blamed. The dominant narrative is one which exalts the importance of the...

The Collapse of Corbynism

The recent UK election produced at least one of Labour's worst historical defeats. This comes as a shock to many as the party under Corbyn's leadership was possibly the best modern example of grassroots radicals influencing the politics of a mainstream political party. Corbyn became Labour leader as a result of the momentum organization within the labor party. Momentum mobilized a grassroots campaign of party rank and file to place Corbyn into power in a party that in the last century became dominated by neoliberal elements a la Tony Blair. As a result, this election, Labour ran on a truly social democratic program of social and welfare spending. Despite this initial success of transforming the Labour Party in a direction of real social democratic politics and away from neoliberalism, the project failed it's major test run. Labour lost big time in working class communities which had traditionally been Labour loyal, turning over to the conservatives. Labour has tried to ...